
I love how everything is working out right now. I have houses that I love and going to move in. They are everything I wanted. I want to put everything nice, cool and modern in the house for my family. I am going to use all of the houses; there are more than one building for one property. My husband said there are over 25 big building, each with very big room, and there are over 1000 rooms for one building—just enough for all of the children to live in the houses.

I have many children. I am very happy that they are extremely bright and intelligent, just like their parents. The children inherit me. They have a dad by marriage. I don’t want to be selfish, but I am very happy that they are all mine, not inherit my husband’s blood (heheh).

I like that I am self-sufficient and a self made man. It doesn’t look like it, but it’s true. I have a lot of successful businesses. I made a few more the last five years. They are going very well and surprisingly rich and successful. I am really excited to give some of my wealth to my children. They are just babies now, but I can imagine they use it for great causes.


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